The solution to increase the safety of use of ropeways
- Generates automatic notifications and alarms when situations of interest or critical for security occur
- Transform camera images into metadata that describe the static and dynamic behavior of people and infrastructure
- Automatically processes images of existing cameras
Through its own cloud infrastructure and specialized personnel performs monitoring and remote management of the iot systems and network.

It provides information that video surveillance operators would not be able to derive continuously in real time, it also recognizes events much more complex than those manageable by any smart cameras or video analysis software on the market.
It creates augmented reality images in which it highlights the extracted data and criticalities detected, assists the supervision of the video surveillance operator allowing it to manage numerous cameras.
Finally, it can be trained to recognize any circumstance that a person would be able to detect from the images and is integrable with the client’s information system.
What it does at boarding and unboarding station
- Measures the lateral sway of vehicles at the entrance of the station
- Detects passengers sitting incorrectly or fallen
- Check that the safety bar has been lowered when boarding
- Measure the lateral sway of vehicles at the entrance of the station
- Detects people in areas where access is not allowed
- Detects stopped or fallen passengers in the unboarding area, or at the exit
- Check that the safety bar has been lifted when unboarding
- In case of alarm, activate a light or acoustic signal
- Produces statistical data describing passenger numbers, stature and behavior, useful for prevention
What it does
- Upon boarding and unboarding, it detects fallen passengers or in areas where access is not allowed
- Measure the lateral sway of the cab at the station entrance
- Checks sure the doors close
- In case of alarm, activate a light or acoustic signal
- Produces statistical data describing passenger numbers, stature and behavior, useful for prevention
What it does
- Detects people standing in dangerous or blind spots and .
- It detects fallen people.
- Signals to those who stop at dangerous points the need to move to a safer point (e.g. at the edge of the track or where the ski slope is wide).
- It signals to skiers who come the presence of people stationed in dangerous points.
- Streamlines bottleneck traffic and reduces the risk of accidents.
- Notify every event at a checkpoint.
How it signals a danger
- Light signal with protective mattress
- Siren
What it does
- At each incoming transit, it acquires from the system that manages the turnstiles the ski pass identifier and the image of the user who is using it.
- Verify that the images of the user using the same ski pass are likely to represent the same person based on non-biometric characteristics.
- For each ticket passed through the turnstiles, generate the reports of inappropriate use that a human operator can evaluate for the appropriate actions.
- It interfaces with the software that manages the input turnstiles
- Provides alerts to control staff via app for PC and smartphone, Telegram message
- It does not require user sample photos
- Does not perform facial recognition or processing of biometric data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679
- The Videosensor is placed in a cabinet at the station or in a remote site connected via high speed network
- The Videosensor is scalable to process from 1 to 30 video streams
- The remote monitoring and management of the Videosensor are performed through a dedicated cloud infrastructure
- The Videosensor controls audible and visual alerts or variable message panels to provide feedback to users
- All information processed by the Videosensor is available via API application interfaces that allow integration with third-party information systems.
- The Video sensor has specific APIs for system monitoring and remote management
- Additional APIs can be developed upon request to facilitate integration with third-party systems
Ask to be contacted
+39 08621911640